
The FIWARE identity - eIDAS authentication module allows a user with a valid eIDAS account (provided by its national eID) to directly login in the IdM and obtain an OAuth 2.0 access token that represent him/her in terms of authorization.

For enabling this, the service has to be registered in both IdM and eIDAS node. The service is registered in the IdM as a regular Application, including some extra configuration parameters as explained below. On the other hand the service has to be registered in the eIDAS node as a Service Provider following the procedure of the specific Member State. Then, when the user is going to authenticate in the IdM it will have the option of selecting a kind of “Login with eID” option that will redirect it to the specific authentication gateway.

Then, the IdM and the eIDAS node will interchange the needed SAML requests to finally obtain the user eIDAS profile. With this profile, the IdM will create a local user mapping the received attributes with the local ones and creating an authorization code. This code will be sent to the Service and the Service will finally request the Access Token.

Once the service has the Access Token, it can use it as always to authorize requests to other GEs. Furthermore, as the user is created in the IdM, permissions and roles could be managed in the same way than for a regular local user. Next figures show the architecture and the dataflow interchanged between the entities.

Figure 1: eIDAS integration in FIWARE IAM model

Figure 2: FIWARE identity - eIDAS data flow