System Installation

This section describes two ways of installing Identity Manager Keyrock:

  • Host installation. This should be used for developing purpouses.

  • Docker installation. This could be use for testing this tool.

Host Installation


In order to execute Keyrock, it is needed to have previously installed the following software:


The following steps need to be performed to get Keyrock up and running:

  1. Download the software, using GitHub.

    git clone

  2. Install all required libraries using npm.

cd fiware-idm
npm install

  3. Configure the installation. To configure Keyrock you can copy the file named config.js.template to config.js.

cp config.js.template config.js

  Edit it with the corresponding with basic info. Below you can see an example:

    3.1.Configure port and host: = 'http://localhost:3000';
config.port = 3000;

    3.2.Configure database:

config.database = {
    host: 'localhost',
    password: 'idm',
    username: 'root',
    database: 'idm',
    dialect: 'mysql'

    3.3.Configure session key:

config.session = {
    secret: 'nodejs_idm'

    3.4.Configure password encryption:

config.password_encryption = {
    key: 'nodejs_idm'

  4.Create database, run migrations and seeders:

npm run-script create_db
npm run-script migrate_db
npm run-script seed_db

  5.Launch the server:

npm start

    5.1.You can also install forever.js to run it in a production environment:

sudo npm install forever -g

    5.2.And then run the server using forever:

forever start bin/www

    5.3.To know the status of the process you can run the next command:

forever status

Docker Installation


In order to execute Keyrock, it is needed to have previously installed the following software:


We also provide a Docker image to facilitate you the building of this GE.

  • Here you will find the Dockerfile and the documentation explaining how to use it.

  • In Docker Hub you will find the public image.